Opportunity Title:
Advancing Fish Passage and Protection Technologies
Opportunity Number:
This FOA seeks to advance innovative fish passage technologies by providing data on biological effects and fish passage performance. Technology innovations include: 1) novel solutions that are accompanied by analytical or experimental evidence that has established proof-of-concept and provides a rationale for next steps testing needs in terms of a critical path for research and development leading to market adoption; and 2) innovations to existing technologies that reduce negative impacts to fish, increase performance, show potential to dramatically reduce costs, and/or present applications to novel use cases (e.g., different fish species evaluations, environmental conditions, or types of infrastructure). The development of technical solutions to enable and improve safe, timely, and effective fish passage and protection at hydropower dams can improve hydropower’s environmental performance, supports infrastructure sustainability, and contributes to fish restoration goals.
Individuals, Domestic Entities, Foreign Entities, Incorporated Consortia, and Unincorporated Consortia.
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
Submission Details:
Concept Paper due December 5, 2022
Full Applications due March 27, 2023
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.