Opportunity Title: Emergency and Imminent Community Water Assistance Grant (ECWAG)
The USDA Rural Utilities Service, acting through USDA Rural Development, has grant funding available now to help rural water systems that have been impacted by an emergency event. Funding can be used to repair existing system damage and to prevent future issues that are imminent (A federal disaster declaration is not required!). An emergency may include natural events, such as drought, tornados, hurricanes, floods, and more. An emergency can also include man-made events like chemical spills, leakage, or seepage, or the contamination of drinking water and surface water supplies by emerging contaminants, including per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances, that occur over time.
Eligible applicants include public bodies, nonprofit organizations, and federally recognized Tribes. Privately owned wells are not eligible.
Applications must show a significant decline in water quality or quantity over the past two years, or that a decline is likely to occur within the next year. A federal disaster declaration is not required.
Projects must be located in rural areas with a population of 10,000 or fewer people, and
the area served must not have a median household income that is more than the statewide non-metropolitan median household income.
Award Details:
Water distribution grants of up to $150,000 per event to assist with issues, such as the construct waterline extensions, repair breaks or leaks in existing water distribution lines, and address related maintenance necessary to replenish the water supply resulting from drought conditions.
Water source grants up to $1,000,000 per event to resolve issues like the need to construct or repair a water source, intake, or treatment facility that will maintain water sources of sufficient quantity and quality.
Submission Details:
Application Deadline: Rolling
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.