Opportunity Title:
Assisting Specialty Crop Exports, Sustainable Packaging Innovation Lab (ASCE-SPIL)
Department of Agriculture (USDA), Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)
Opportunity Number:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, Trade Policy and Geographic Affairs, announces this funding opportunity to support the Assisting Specialty Crop Exports initiative. This opportunity is intended to promote the development of sustainable packaging of U.S. specialty crops exported to current and prospective foreign markets.
Specialty crop producers feed the United States and the world with nutritious fruits, nuts, and vegetables and supply our communities with horticulture products. Yet, they have unique challenges and opportunities to compete in the domestic market and a vast array of barriers that prevent their world-class products from entering foreign markets.
Packaging plays an important role in the export of fresh fruits and vegetables and other specialty crops. Packaging ensures that specialty crops safely travel thousands of miles by preserving food and protecting products from damage during the journey from the farm to the consumer's table. Packaging ensures food safety by preventing contamination from pathogens and contaminants. Packaging and labeling also allow lots to be traced back to the source of production.
Colleges and universities in the United States, including State Cooperative Institutions
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
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Question Due June 11, 2024
Applications Due July 17, 2024
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