ORGANIZATION NAME: California Energy Commission
PROGRAM NAME: Natural Gas Program
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this solicitation is to fund natural gas infrastructure safety and integrity projects that meet the following initiatives:
Natural Gas Infrastructure Analysis and Strategic Pathway to a Low-Carbon Energy Future
Analytics for Pilot Demonstration of Strategic Electrification and Decommissioning of Natural Gas Infrastructure.
The purpose of this solicitation is to develop multi-disciplinary, strategic approaches for stakeholders and decision makers to determine where trimming portions of natural gas infrastructure is plausible, economically viable, and customer-supported with clearly identifiable ratepayer benefits. The result of the research would be a set of guidelines and criteria that enable decision makers to easily identify potential project sites for natural gas system decommissioning, quantify the avoided natural gas infrastructure costs associated with all-electric service, assess costs of electric system upgrades and building electrification, and evaluate expected cost savings and customer acceptance. The awardees from this solicitation will propose at least three pilot projects where the approaches can be implemented and verified in the near-term or within five years. Recipients of funding for this solicitation may be eligible to compete for a second phase of funding which will support the proposed pilots.
AVAILABLE FUNDING: $2,000,000.00