Opportunity Title:
Division of Environmental Biology
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Opportunity Number:
The Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) Core supports research and training on evolutionary and ecological processes acting at the level of populations, species, communities, ecosystems, macrosystems, and biogeographic extents. DEB encourages research that elucidates fundamental principles that identify and explain the unity and diversity of life and its interactions with the environment over space and time. Research may incorporate field, laboratory, or collection-based approaches; observational or manipulative studies; synthesis activities; phylogenetic discovery projects; or theoretical approaches involving analytical, statistical, or computational modeling.
All programs in the Directorate for Biological Sciences strive to achieve the goals laid out in the NSF Strategic Plan. Among these goals are:
to empower Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) talent to fully participate in science and engineering
to enable creation of new knowledge by advancing the frontiers of research and enhancing research capability; and
to benefit society through translation of knowledge into solutions.
Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs)
Non-profit, non-academic organizations: Independent museums, observatories, research laboratories, professional societies and similar U.S. organizations that are directly associated with educational or research activities
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
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Ongoing Submissions
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