Opportunity Title:
Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology - Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Opportunity Number:
The Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) program provides support to enhance the research capabilities of minority-serving institutions (MSIs) as defined in this solicitation’s Eligibility section, through effective integration of education and research. The CREST program, composed of the CREST Centers, the CREST Postdoctoral Research Program, and the projects supported by this CREST-RISE solicitation, promotes the development of new knowledge, enhancements of the research productivity of individual faculty and postdoctoral scholars, and an expanded presence of research doctoral students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, especially those from underrepresented groups.
CREST-RISE is the component of the CREST program that supports the expansion of institutional research capacity by increasing the strength of institutional graduate programs and the successful production of research doctoral students, especially those from groups underrepresented in STEM.
The goals of CREST-RISE are to increase:
The number of STEM research doctoral programs at MSIs (as defined in the Eligibility section),
The number of STEM research doctoral students graduating from MSIs, especially those from groups underrepresented in STEM, and
Institutional research capacity to increase doctoral students’ graduation rates.
Minority Serving Institutions
Institutions of higher education
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
Applications Due August 02, 2024
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