Opportunity Title:
SBIR Funding Opportunities 2024-2025, Phase I
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Opportunity Reference Number:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, is seeking proposals from the small businesses to develop novel environmental technologies in the following topics areas. See the official solicitation posted on FedConnect to learn more about the topic areas and view full topic descriptions for each area. Given EPA’s modest budget we ask that proposals be responsive to these topics.
2024-2025 EPA SBIR Topics:
Clean and Safe Water
Nature-based Solutions for Water Reuse
Technologies for the Treatment of PFAS in Wastewater Sewage Sludge and Biosolids
Treatment for Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water at the Household Scale
Air Quality & Climate
Technologies and Tools to Monitor and Reduce Air Toxics Exposures
Air Pollution Control Technologies for Small Sources
Homeland Security
Scenario-Based Training for Disaster Response
Circular Economy/Sustainable Materials
Preventing and Recycling Food Waste
Source Reduction and Reuse
Lowering Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment
Safer Chemicals
Rubber Anti-Degradants that are Lower Concern for Human Health and the Environment
Next Generation Fertilizers
EPA held an informational webinar on June 5, 2024. For more information and access to the presentation visit the event page.
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Approx. $2,500,000
Phase I proof of concept:
$100,000 for 6 months
Phase II development & commercialization:
$400,000 for 2 years
Applications Due August 21, 2024
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.