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Last Week in Review (05/27/24-05/31/24)

Jodie Alexander

Here's a recap of opportunities posted to the GMA blog last week.

Click the link to see the full post and find out more.

Open Solicitations:

Research, Education & Technology:

Research activities should focus on the most challenging mathematical and theoretical questions aimed at understanding the capabilities, limitations, and emerging properties of AI methods as well as the development of novel, and mathematically grounded, design and analysis principles for the current and next generation of AI approaches.

Successful applications will help define an exploratory program where innovative solutions for scientific discovery are developed and deployed to advance HEP science drivers and contribute to QIS research and technology for public benefit.

The goal of MFS-SPEED is to support fundamental research enabling the accelerated discovery and ultimate manufacturing of sustainable polymers using state-of-the-art data science, and to enhance development of a cross-disciplinary workforce skilled in this area.

This NOFO supports small business concerns (SBCs) in employing and developing researchers as entrepreneurial Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PDs/PIs). In addition to augmenting scientific research staff and supporting research and development efforts at SBCs, a major component of this NOFO is entrepreneurial training, mentoring, and career development of the PD/PI.

Transportation and Infrastructure:

The Pilot Program for TOD Planning helps support FTA’s mission of improving public transportation for America’s communities by providing funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning around a new fixed guideway or core capacity improvement project.

The Innovation Fund is an NTIA-administered competitive grant program that seeks to accelerate the development, deployment, and adoption of open and interoperable radio access networks (RAN).

Energy and Environment:

The purposes of this solicitation are to support the adoption of clean, dispatchable generation in California and reduce the reliance on fossil-based technologies while providing reliable power for critical infrastructure.

The local project must: 1) Raise awareness of Clean Air Day; 2) Contribute to cleaning the air or encourage participants to take actions that will clean the air; and 3) Successfully engage at least 100 participants/attendees.

This Coordinating Office will work with Principal Investigators (PIs) in the selection of suitable, academically or commercially available drilling and coring platforms to collect sub-seafloor samples, make sub-seafloor measurements, and install long-term borehole observatories.

The Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit (§ 48C) program aims to strengthen U.S. industrial competitiveness and clean energy supply chains. As the nation builds a net-zero economy, the § 48C tax credit program aims to play a critical role to create high-quality jobs, reduce industrial emissions, and increase domestic production of critical clean energy products and materials.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health:

The FY 2024 Team Nutrition Training Grant activities will allow State agencies to provide technical assistance to School Nutrition Professionals and help ensure they have the skills and knowledge to prepare and serve nutritious meals.

The joint agency initiative aims to strengthen the diversity and cultural competency of the WIC workforce, with the ultimate goals of increasing: 1) WIC participation through reaching those populations that are eligible, but not enrolled; and 2) WIC participants use of benefits and services, including nutrition education and breastfeeding support.

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) National Workforce Strategy (WIC Workforce National Strategy), is part of a joint agency initiative between the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) that is expected to cultivate comprehensive and sustained solutions for WIC workforce development.

Through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) aims to foster the advancement and accelerate the growth of early-career scientists transitioning to entrepreneurship by simultaneously supporting their entrepreneurial development and the conduct of research and development under their direction.

This opportunity is intended to promote the development of sustainable packaging of U.S. specialty crops exported to current and prospective foreign markets.

Request(s) For Information:

The intent of this RFI is to obtain information to inform a new DOE vision study, Pathways for U.S. Industrial Transformations: Unlocking American Innovation, which is identifying cost-effective and industry-specific strategic pathways to achieve a thriving U.S. industrial sector with net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like these. Contact us today for a consultation.

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