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Last Week in Review (03/25/24-03/29/24)

Jodie Alexander

Here's a recap of opportunities posted to the GMA blog last week.

Click the link to see the full post and find out more.

Open Solicitations:

Research and Education:

With this solicitation, the National Science Foundation focuses on re-envisioning how to teach computing effectively to a broad group of students, in a scalable manner, with an emphasis on broadening participation of groups who are underrepresented and underserved by traditional computing courses and careers.

This joint effort will sponsor new research projects at the interface of artificial intelligence, formal methods, and interactive theorem provers to guide and enhance research in the mathematical sciences, formal methods, and AI.

FAIR is focused on building research capacity at academic institutions that have been historically underrepresented in the SC portfolio.

This program supports efforts that aim to provide opportunities for all students to participate in CS and CT learning at the pre-k, elementary, middle, and high school grade levels through research-practice partnerships (RPPs) that connect research to practice through long running and diverse collaborations.

The introduction of more sustainable chemical products, processes, and technologies are needed to address emerging and growing challenges and opportunities for the economy, climate action, and environmental justice.

The SSAA Program provides the research experience necessary to maintain a cadre of trained scientists and engineers at U.S. universities to meet the nation’s current and future SSP needs, with a focus on those areas not supported by other federal agencies.


Eligible projects include renewable energy generation systems like solar or wind, as well as energy storage systems, electric vehicle charging stations, or microgrid technologies paired with new or existing renewable energy systems.

The Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) was established in 1990 as a binational monitoring network between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), in response to scientific evidence that demonstrated that input from the atmosphere is a significant source of many persistent toxic chemicals to the Great Lakes.

The purpose of this solicitation is to award grants to fund projects focused on geothermal energy and lithium recovery from geothermal brine that support local jurisdictions and private entities to advance the geothermal sector and related activities.

The EPA’s Clean Ports Program will fund ZE port equipment and infrastructure to reduce mobile source emissions (criteria pollutants, air toxics, and/or greenhouse gases) at United States ports, delivering cleaner air for communities across the country.

The purpose of this solicitation is to fund applied research to increase California’s hydropower generation through precipitation enhancement (cloud seeding). Research funded by this solicitation will foster cost-effective, robust approaches to manage anticipated needs for zero-carbon, fast-ramping resources in the context of a rapidly evolving energy system and climate change.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing a two-year competitive funding opportunity for awards to eligible entities to provide technical assistance (TA) to businesses to encourage the development and implementation of source reduction practices also known as pollution prevention or “P2”.

Health and Community Development:

LFPP funds projects that develop, coordinate, and expand local and regional food business enterprises that engage as intermediaries in indirect producer to consumer marketing to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products.

The purpose of this program is to support a comprehensive public health and evidence-based approach that: (1) enhances behavioral health services for all college students, including those at risk for suicide, depression, serious mental illness (SMI)/serious emotional disturbances (SED), and/or substance use disorders that can lead to school failure; (2) prevents and reduces suicide and mental and substance use disorders; (3) promotes help-seeking behavior and reduces stigma; and (4) improves the identification and treatment of at-risk college students so they can successfully complete their studies.

Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) funds projects that develop, coordinate, and expand direct producer-to-consumer markets to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products.

The Department is combining three major discretionary grant programs and two fiscal years of funding into one Multimodal Projects Discretionary Grant (MPDG) opportunity to reduce the burden for state and local applicants and increase the pipeline of “shovel-worthy” projects that are now possible because of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

USDA/FAS expects that Recipients of awards made under this opportunity will leverage donated U.S. agricultural commodities, local and regional agricultural commodities, and financial and technical assistance to carry out school feeding projects that strengthen food security, reduce the incidence of hunger, improve literacy and education, particularly with respect to girls, and support maternal, infant, and child nutrition programs.

Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like these. Contact us today for a consultation.

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