Opportunity Title:
FY 2024 National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Opportunity Number:
The EPA Exchange Network Grant Program is soliciting project applications to support the Environmental Information Exchange Network (EN) to:
Facilitate sharing of environmental data, especially through shared and reusable services
Reduce burden and avoid costs for co-regulators and the regulated community
Streamline data collection and exchanges to improve its timeliness for decision making
Increase the quality and access to environmental data through discovery, publishing, outbound and analytical services so it is more useful to environmental managers
Increase data and IT management capabilities needed to fully participate in the EN.
The FY24 EN Funding Areas and associated EN project opportunities include:
Funding Area 1: Increased Data Access and Innovative Business Processes.
Funding Area 2: Eliminate paper submittals and expand e-reporting.
Funding Area 3: Augment the information management capacity of EN partners.
FY 2024 is the twenty-second year EPA will award competitive funding to eligible recipients for projects through the Exchange Network Grant Program. A Solicitation Notice (SN) is posted each grant period to coincide with the next application cycle.
State and local governments
U.S. Territories
Federally recognized Indian tribes
Alaska Native Villages
Inter-tribal consortia of federally recognized tribe
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Applications Due May 22, 2024
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.