Opportunity Title:
Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition &
Zero-Emission (ZE) Technology Deployment Competition
Opportunity Number:
Climate and Air Quality Planning: EPA-R-OAR-CPP-24-05
Zero-Emission Technology Deployment: EPA-R-OAR-CPP-24-04
The EPA’s goals for the Clean Ports Program are to:
(1) build a foundation for ports across the country to transition to fully ZE operations, positioning ports to serve as a catalyst for transformational change across the freight sector;
(2) reduce mobile source pollution in near- port communities, especially disadvantaged communities; and
(3) help ensure that meaningful community engagement and emissions reduction planning are port industry standard practices.
The Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition is designed to fund climate and air quality planning activities focused on one or more ports (as defined below) that fall under the
categories of:
(1) emissions inventory and accounting exercises,
(2) strategy analysis and goal-setting,
(3) stakeholder collaboration and communication, and
(4) resilience planning.
The ZE Technology Deployment Competition is designed to fund deployment of strategies and solutions that will help ports achieve zero-emission operations. This includes funding the purchase of ZE equipment, technologies, and related infrastructure directly serving a port, as well as funding support expenses related to deployment. For the purpose of this funding opportunity, “ZE equipment” means a mobile source that produces zero tailpipe emissions of any criteria pollutant, air toxics, or greenhouse gas other than water vapor, specifically electric and hydrogen fuel cell technologies.
EPA will host informational webinars regarding these NOFOs to provide potential applicants with an overview of the NOFOs, how to apply, and EPA resources that will help with project development. Our next webinar will be on March 13, 2024, 2 – 4 PM (ET). See the Ports Initiative Events webpage for more information.
1. Port authorities
2. State, regional, local, or Tribal agencies that have jurisdiction over a port authority or a port
3. Air pollution control agencies
4. Private entities that:
a. apply for a grant in a Statutory Partnership with an entity described in 1-3
b. own, operate, or use the facilities, cargo-handling equipment, transportation
equipment, or related technology of a port
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Climate and Air Quality Planning: $150,000,000
Zero-Emission Technology Deployment: $2,790,000,000
Maximum Award:
Climate and Air Quality Planning: $3,000,000
Zero-Emission Technology Deployment: $500,000,000
Minimum Award:
Climate and Air Quality Planning: $200,000
Zero-Emission Technology Deployment: $150,000,000
Applications for both NOFOs are due May 28, 2024
EPA requests an optional Intent to Apply by March 28, 2024 to cleanports@epa.gov
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.