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DOT Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning - Due 07/22; Webinar 06/05

Opportunity Title:

FY2024 Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning



Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Transit Administration (FTA)


Opportunity Number:




The Pilot Program for TOD Planning helps support FTA’s mission of improving public transportation for America’s communities by providing funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning around a new fixed guideway or core capacity improvement project. Per statute, any comprehensive or site-specific planning funded through the program must examine ways to improve economic development and ridership, foster multimodal connectivity and accessibility, improve transit access for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, engage the private sector, identify infrastructure needs, and enable mixed-use development near transit stations.

Consistent with statutory direction, FTA is seeking comprehensive or site-specific planning projects for a transit capital project corridor. To ensure that planning work reflects the needs and aspirations of the local community and results in concrete, specific deliverables, and outcomes, FTA requires that transit project sponsors partner with entities with land use planning authority in the project corridor.

FTA will host a webinar for this funding opportunity and provide an overview of the program and describe eligibility requirements. Interested parties are encouraged to register for the event.

June 05, 2024 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time



State and local governmental entities


Award Details:

Total Amount Available:




Applications Due July 22, 2024


Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.

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