Opportunity Title:
Regional Early Action Planning Grants
The Regional Early Action Planning Grant of 2021 (REAP 2.0) is a collaborative effort between the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), iOffice of Planning and Research (OPR), the Strategic Growth Council (SGC), and the State Air Resources Board (CARB). REAP 2.0 funding will be released in three separate allocations: (1) MPO Direct Allocation, (2) Tribal and Rural Allocation and (3) Higher Impact Transformative Allocation. The (1) MPO Direct Allocation and is released concurrently with the (2) Tribal and Rural Allocation NOFA. The (3) Higher Impact Transformative Allocation NOFA is anticipated at a later time in 2022. The intended purpose is to fund transformative planning and implementation activities that meet housing and equity goals, reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and advance implementation of the region’s Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) or Alternative Planning Strategy, as applicable. The MPO Direct Allocation will be an over the counter process while the Tribal and Rural and Higher Impact Transformative allocation will be competitive process.
Nonprofit, Public Agency, Tribal Government
Total Amount Available:
Application Deadline:
December 31, 2023
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.