Opportunity Title:
Forest Legacy Grant Program
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)
The purpose of the Forest Legacy Program is to protect environmentally important forest land threatened with conversion to non-forest uses. Protection of California’s forests through this program ensures they continue to provide such benefits as sustainable timber production, wildlife habitat, recreation opportunities, watershed protection and open space. Intact forests also contribute significantly to the storage and sequestration of carbon.
Under this competitive grant program, CAL FIRE purchases or accepts donations of conservation easements or fee title of productive forest lands to encourage their long-term conservation. The primary tool CAL FIRE uses to conserve forest lands in perpetuity is permanent Working Forest Conservation Easements (WFCEs). WFCEs do more than just restrict development and conversion on a property, WFCEs protect forest values by concentrating on sustainable forest practices that provide economic value from the land and encourage long-term land stewardship.
Land trusts
Conservation organizations
Landowners (An Individual, Partnership, Private, Public, or Municipal Corporation, Indian Tribe, State Agency, County, or Local Government Entity, Educational Institution)
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Applications Due June 07, 2024
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.