Opportunity Title:
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project Funding
Opportunity Number:
Docket Number: 20-TRAN-04
TN #: 254747
The State of California has identified clear goals for transitioning from internal combustion engine vehicles to zero-emission vehicles (ZEV). Passenger ZEV adoption in rural areas of the State is lower compared to those in urban areas. Widespread availability of publicly accessible EV charging is critical to increasing EV adoption by providing EV drivers, including in rural communities, the confidence that they will have access to convenient and reliable charging. To support these goals, the CEC is developing a solicitation to install more publicly accessible charging for passenger EVs in rural communities in the State.
This pre-solicitation workshop aims to gather feedback on concepts that would result in projects that demonstrate replicable and scalable business and technology models that can drive EV charging station deployment in rural areas, especially in low-income or disadvantaged communities.
Workshop Info:
Tuesday, March 12, 202410:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Remote Access Only
Participants may join via Zoom by internet or phone.
Attend Workshop via Zoom or login in at Zoom and enter the Webinar ID 889 5409 5690 and passcode REV2@10 and follow all prompts.
To join by telephone. Call toll-free at (888) 475-4499 or toll at (669) 219-2599. When prompted, enter the Webinar ID 889 5409 5690 and passcode REV2@10
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us today for a consultation.