Opportunity Title:
Indian Business Incubators Program (IBIP) Grants
Opportunity Number:
Summary: The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary), through the Office of Indian Economic Development (OIED), Division of Economic Development (DED), solicits proposals from eligible applicants (see Section IV. Eligibility for Funding, of this notice) to receive competitive grants to establish and operate business incubators that serve Tribal reservation communities. These grants will provide individually tailored business incubation and other business services to Native businesses and Native entrepreneurs to overcome the unique obstacles they confront and provide tools necessary to start and grow businesses that offer products and services to reservation communities. Background: On October 20, 2020, Congress enacted the Native American Business Incubators Program Act, Pub. L. 116-174, codified at 25 U.S.C. 5801 et seq. In the Act, Congress established the Native American Business Incubators Program and required the Secretary of the Interior to promulgate regulations to implement the program. See 25 U.S.C. 5804.The Office of the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs, through OIED, is soliciting proposals from eligible entities (as outlined in section IV of this notice) for grant funding to establish Indian Business Incubators to serve entrepreneurs with start-up and early-stage businesses who will provide products or services to Tribal reservation communities. The Indian Business Incubator will deliver a range of business services such as: mentorships, networking, technical assistance, and access to investors. Further, Indian Business Incubators will promote collaboration, address challenges, and provide individually tailored services to overcome the obstacles that are unique to each participating business. The OIED, previously referred to as the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED), will administer this grant program through the DED funded under a non-recurring appropriation budget. Congress appropriates funds on a year-to-year basis. Thus, while IBIP projects may extend over several years, funding for successive years beyond the original period of performance depends on each fiscal year’s appropriations. The projects awarded are expected to be for a project period of 36 months, with an option of an additional 36 months. The initial grant award will be for a 12-month budget period. The award continuation beyond each 12-month budget period will be subject to the availability of funds, satisfactory progress on the part of each recipient, and a determination that continued funding would be in the best interest of the Federal government. Neither the Department of the Interior (DOI) nor Indian Affairs will be held responsible for proposal or application preparation costs. Publication of this solicitation does not obligate DOI or Indian Affairs to award any specific grant or to obligate all or any part of available funds.
This Notice Serves to Update Eligibility for the IBIP Grant as Follows: A Tribal nonprofit or private nonprofit organization that provides business and financial technical assistance and: Be able to provide the physical workspace, equipment, and connectivity necessary for Native businesses and Native entrepreneurs to collaborate and conduct business on a local, regional, national, and international level; Will have been operational for not less than one year before receiving a grant under the IBIP; and Commits to serving one or more reservation communities
Total Amount Available:
Maximum Award:
Minimum Award:
Application Deadline:
June 17, 2022
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